Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pub Culture:Acceptable Or Not

"Pub culture" ,a culture that is westernized in nature has been picked up on a graceful note by youngsters in India.It is really on a upscale in cities like Bengalooru ,Mumbai etc.The major reason being the change in lifesyle of the people here,40 percent of whom are youngters.Of these 40 percent ,a major portion of people are working for the elite co-operate sector.People working in these company has to cope up with the large amount of work related stress.Their lifstyle generally shifts on the nocturnal side,as they have to work late in the nights so often.To cope up with these stress levels ,they search for something which can make them forget these problems.
The solution comes with new directions,one of which generally goes towards the lure of these exclusive pubs.The glittering lifestyle of pubs always provide a soothing feeing which helps these
stress -trodden people to come out of their work related problems.
So,the question that needs to be asked here is,"Why this population of stress-trodden cannot include women"?.When we talk equality between sexes ,then why there is a distinction here.
.Women have equal rights of going to pub ,on par with men.Then the question arises,of these women which are going to Pubs ,how many of them really go there to get away with stress.There
are good percentage of women,who go to pub just for the sake of fun.They go there,with their male friends in clothes which are unacceptabe in Indian scenario.Then these girls will be sole reason the heinous crimes which have taken place in the past.One year back,one case of such a crime took place in the financial capiatl of India,Mumbai.Where a group of young guys,molested a married women on the new year eve.
Pub Culture ,should be accepted on Indian cuture,but only when it is free from the confines of obscenity.Pub culture without obscenity should be acceptable but there should be strict laws which should prevent the crimes that results from this culture.

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